David C. Williamson


7676 Hazard Center Drive, Suite 900 San Diego, CA 92108 800-338-6039

David Williamson is the Managing Partner for the Landlord/Tenant Practice Group in our San Diego office.  Prior to this position, Mr. Williamson handled fair housing defense cases and specialized in both commercial and complex residential real estate litigation (including subsidized housing), primarily involving leasing disputes as part our our Business Real Estate Group.

David has been in practice since 1982.  Early in his career, he served as Committee Counsel for both the Revenue and Health & Human Services Committees at the Nebraska Senate. Before joining Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP, David litigated construction defect claims, personal injury litigation and was Executive Vice President and General Counsel of a publicly traded overseas entertainment company.  David was a litigator with Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP for many years and has extensive business and legislative experience, and places priority on finding resolutions that fit the business goals of his clients.


  • California Bar, 1988
  • Nebraska Bar, 1982
  • Federal Bar, 1982


  • University of Nebraska Law School, J.D.
  • University of Nebraska, B.A. English

Professional and Civic Engagement:

  • Member, California Bar Association
  • Member, Nebraska Bar Association