Mental Disability Webinar


Some of the most unique and difficult challenges that face managers and residents are the issues that arise from persons with mental disabilities. Management must provide extra time and consideration to assist those with mental disabilities to come into compliance with their lease. In this program, we will delve deeper into the complex nature of trying to assist residents with disabilities to have a safe and sanitary environment in which to live. While every situation is unique, this hour webinar will provide a better understanding of the potential issue that can arise and how you may be able to handle them. In this webinar we will go over the following topics: definition of disability, protections and confidentiality, three levels of mental disabilities, handling lease violations, investigating and documenting complaints and hoarding. To be presented on September 27, 2024 at 11:00AM PST by Atty. Shanly Hopkins

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar will be recorded. The recording will be provided to webinar registrants and will be viewable through October 4, 2024


$39.95 and up

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